Jestem fotografem, grafikiem i profesorem akademickim. I am photographer, graphic designer & academic professor
Jestem fotografem, grafikiem i profesorem akademickim. Absolwentem Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Krakowie i doktorem sztuki filmowej w dziedzinie fotografii (Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Filmowa, Telewizyjna i Teatralna im. Leona Schillera w Łodzi); stypendystą Salisbury College of Art w UK (certyfikat Professional Qualifying Examination z zakresu fotografii). Obecnie prowadzę Pracownię Fotografii na Wydziale Grafiki warszawskiej Akademii Sztuk Pięknych.
Nagroda Rektora Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Warszawie za osiągnięcia artystyczne, dydaktyczne i organizacyjne2009
I am photographer and graphic designer, graduated from Cracow Academy of Fine Arts. Scholarship at the Salisbury College of Art in the UK where I obtained a certificate – Professional Qualifying Examination in Photography. Doctorate in Photography from the National Higher School of Film, Television and Theatre in Lodz. Presently teaching Photography at the department of Graphic Arts at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts.
Rector of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts Award for artistic, didactic and organisational achievements2009
Nagrody, Awards
3rd place 2020
Umbra International Photography Competition (category: people)
four Honorable Mention 2019
Monochrome Awards (category: abstract, wildlife, conceptual, architecture)
Second Place 2015:
Moscow International Foto Awards (category: moving images-collage)
Silver Award 2015:
Photograph of the Year 2015, Better Photography Magazine
Honorable Mention 2015:
International Photography Awards (fine art: other)
Honorable Mention 2013:
IPA (One world: people)
two Honorable Mention 2012:
IPA (architecture: historic, fine art: other)
three Honorable Mention 2008:
IPA (people: portrait, nature: landscape, fine art: landscape)